Compliments and Complaints

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We welcome your feedback

We are keen to hear your feedback about your experience with The Confederation, Hillingdon.

If you’ve visited one of our services, let us know what we are doing well or any areas we can improve on. Your feedback can be entirely anonymous, and we will use it to keep track of what we are doing well and what we need to improve.

You can speak to a member of staff, send your feedback via the form below or write to us at the address below.

Please note that any queries or complaints regarding non-Confederation services should be sent directly to the Practice Manager of your registered GP Practice.

Compliments and Feedback

If we have done something well or you would like to comment on any aspects of your care, we would love to hear about it and share your experience with our teams.

Compliments, feedback or suggestions about our services are really valuable and will help us to improve the quality of the services we deliver.

You can share your feedback with us online or write to us.

See our contact details

Making a Complaint

We want to provide the best possible experience and outcomes when you use our services and would like to make things right when something has gone wrong. The teams in the service in most instances will be able to sort out most issues quickly so please speak to them about your complaint first.

If you are still not happy or will rather escalate immediately, please use our online form or write to us at the following address.

Use our online complaints form

You will receive an acknowledgement of your complaint within 3 working days and a response to our investigation findings within 25 working days.

The Confederation, Hillingdon CIC
Link 1A, Civic Centre
High Street
Uxbridge, Middlesex

Please tell us as much as possible about the service/ issue you want to complain about to enable us to investigate appropriately.

Need some help or support making a complaint?

Independent Help and Support

There are agencies which can provide free impartial support to patients making a complaint:

  • The Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS) on 0845 337 3058
  • Independent Health Complaints Advocacy (IHCA)
  • Healthwatch Hillingdon, 20 Chequers Square, The Pavilions Shopping, Centre, Uxbridge UB8 1LN. Phone: 01895272997

Want to appeal our decision?

If we’ve already investigated your complaint, you can let us know if you are still unsatisfied. We can meet with you to explain our findings, or to understand any additional concerns you have. If you ask us to, we can check that the complaint was investigated in line with our complaints policy and healthcare standards.

If you are still unhappy, we’ll tell you about your next steps in our response letter. This would usually be raising the concern with the relevant ombudsman.

Very occasionally, if you continue to be dissatisfied but we do not believe there is anything else we can do, we will write to you to let you know and what this means for you.