Spirometry Services

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What is Spirometry?

This service is for patients where your GP suspects that you may have COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or asthma.


Who is this for?

This clinic is a referral only clinic. Your GP will send us a referral form if:

  • You are 16 years or over with suspected COPD or asthma
  • You have not been previously diagnosed with COPD or asthma.

This is likely to be because:

  • You have some respiratory symptoms like breathlessness, wheeze or cough.
  • Patients with suspected COPD particularly with a smoking history and increasing age, chronic cough, breathlessness on exertion, daily wheezing or history of recurrent winter chest infections.


These clinics currently take place from Civic Centre.

The Civic Centre
High St


My clinician was so professional, kind, patient, and listened to me with genuine interest. Such a good experience and a pleasure to meet such an amiable gentleman.

silhouette of a personPatient

Patient Information

Your spirometry (breathing test) appointment


This leaflet tells you more about your spirometry (breathing test) appointment.

Please feel free to ask our team any questions you have about the information below.

What is spirometry?

Spirometry is a breathing test that measures some of your lung volumes and how quickly you can get the air in and out of your lungs. The test result helps your doctor and the healthcare professionals looking after you to make a diagnosis and monitor your condition.

You will breathe into a machine via a mouth piece several times, to ensure the best result is obtained. The person performing the test will guide you through each step. Watch the video here

Learn more about Spirometry

How should I prepare for the assessment?

  • Avoid a heavy meal two hours prior to test - a light snack is fine
  • Try not to smoke for four hours before the test
  • Do not do any vigorous exercise one hour before the test
  • Avoid alcohol/drug consumption for four hours before the test
  • Wear clothing that does not restrict your chest or abdomen
  • If you have had antibiotics and/or steroids for your respiratory condition within the last six weeks, please tell us before your appointment as we may need to reschedule
  • Take your routine medication as prescribed, but if possible please do not take your inhalers prior to the appointment

What happens after the assessment?

The result will be sent back to your GP.

What if I cannot make my appointment?

Please contact us on 01895544227 as soon as possible so we can offer the appointment to someone else.

Who do I contact for more help or information?

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or concerns on 01895544227.

How do I make a comment about my visit?

We aim to provide the best possible service and staff will be happy to answer any of the questions you may have. If you have any suggestions or comments about your visit, please either speak to a member of staff or contact the patient advice and liaison service (PALS).

The PALS team are able to listen to your concerns, suggestions or queries and are often able to help sort out problems on behalf of patients.

Alternatively, you may wish to express your concerns in writing to:

Complaints Lead
The Confederation Hillingdon
Link 1A
Civic Centre
High Street

Alternative formats

This information can be provided on request in large print, as a sound recording, in Braille, or in alternative languages.